для размещения заказа - fanar@fanar-tools.ru TABELA OBRABIANYCH MATERIAW /MATERIAL GROUPS TABLE / WERKSTOFFTABELLE M ateria obrabiany M a te ria l W erkstoff PN DIN Nr Rm HB HRC MPa 1.0123 25+31 p Stal Steel S ta h lw e rk s to ffe A10X Q-St37-3 1.1014 400 119 22+31 1.1 Stal magnetyczna, stal M agnetic steel, stos R-Fe 80 1.0711 26+32 1.2 konstrukcyjna mikka Construction soft steel M a g n e tw e ic h e is e n St3S 9 S 20 1.0715 370-450 110+130 30+37 Stal autom atowa, stal Free-cutting steels, 9 SMn 28 1.0035 390-580 115+170 30+36 1.3 konstrukcyjna, stal do Constructional and Autom atenstle, St33-1 1.0116 280-530 85+155 31+38 n a w glania carburizing steel Baustle St37-3 1.0301 370-450 110+130 32+39 1.4 C10 1.0726 410-540 120+160 26+38 Stal konstrukcyjna Constructional and Baustle, Niedrig legierte A35 35S20 1.0570 510-880 150+260 37+43 1.5 wglowa i niskostopowa, carbon steel, low-alloy Sthle, Stahlguss 18G2A St52-3 1.0718 450-680 130+200 39+45 sta liw o steel, cast steel 9SMnPb28 1.0503 380-810 110+240 1.6 Legierte Sthle, 45 C 45 1.0050 650-800 190+240 23 Stal do ulepszania Alloy steel, cold-work Kaltarbeitssthle St5 St50-2 1.1168 450-640 130+190 26 M cieplnego, stal stopowa, tool steel L40GM GS40Mn5 1.0535 750-850 220+250 40+45 2.1 stal narzdziowa G ehrtete Stle 55 C55 1.0601 750-900 220+265 27+33 Tem pered steel up G ehtete bis 38 HRC 60 C60 1.8509 850-1000 250+300 2.2 Stal ulepszana cieplnie to 38 HRC 38HMJ 4 1 C rA IM o7 1.7035 800-1000 240+300 - do 38 HRC Hochlegierte Stle 40H 41Cr4 1.2067 880-1030 260+302 2.3 High-alloyed steels G ehtete bis 4 4 HRC NC4 100Cr6 1.6546 - K Stal wysokostopowa hardened up to 44 HRC 30H2N2M 30C rN iM o 8 1.7220 980-1180 290+350 42 3.1 hartowana do 44 HRC Nichtrostende Stahl 35HM 3 4C rM o4 1.6546 980-1130 290+335 <50 Stainless steel Ferritisch, m artensitisch 37HGNM 4 0 N iC rM o 2 1.6511 1000-1200 295+355 <55 3.2 Stal nierdzewna Ferritic, m artensitic 38HNM 36C rN iM o 4 1.7225 1030-1230 335+365 <60 Ferryty czna, A u s te n itis c h 40HM 42C rM o4 880-1200 260+355 <65 3.3 m a rte n z y ty c z n a A u s te n itic 40HNMA 1.2713 1180-1370 350+405 Au ste nitisch-ferritisch 40H2MF 5 5 N iC rM o V 6 1.3343 1230-1420 360+420 N A u s te n ityczn a A u s te n itic -fe rritic (Duplex) WNL S6-5-2 1.8159 4.1 (D u p le x) SW7M 50CrV4 800 240 Austenityczno- Cast materials 50HF 1.4034 880 260 4.2 ferrytyczne (Duplex) G rey cast iron X 46 C r 13 1.4006 1280-1450 375+430 eliwo 4H13 X 12 C r 13 1.4016 4.3 eliwo szare M alleable cast iron 1H13 X 6 C r 17 1.4057 800 235 H17 X 17 C r Ni 16 2 1.4301 650-850 190+250 4.4 eliw o cig liwe Spheroidal cast iron 2H17N2 X 5C rN i18 10 1.4404 400-630 120+185 4.5 0H18N9 X 2C rN iM o17 13 2 1.4306 900-1050 265+310 4.6 eliwo steroidalne Non ferrous materials 00H17N14M2 X2CrNi18 9 1.4541 500-700 150+205 4.7 Aluminium alloys 00H18N10 X 6C rN iT 18 10 1.4571 500-700 150+205 Materiay nieelazne Unalloyed aluminium 1H18N9T X6CrNiM oTi17 12 2 1.4462 460-680 135+200 4.8 Stopy aluminium H18N10MT X2CrNiM oN22-5-3 1.4507 500-700 150+205 4.9 Aluminium niestopowe Alum inium alloys X2CrNiMoCuN 25-6-3 1.4410 500-700 150+205 1% < Si < 7% Gusswerkstoffe ZI 150 X2C rN iM oN 25-7-4 500-1200 150+350 4.10 Stopy aluminium G usseisen ZI 200 0.6015 700-900 1% < Si < 7% Alum inium alloys ZI 250 GG 15 0.6020 730-930 270 4.11 Si 7% G usseisen Temperguss ZI 300 GG 20 0.6025 290 Stopy aluminium GG 25 0.6030 110-150 4.12 Si 7% Copper alloys G usseisen P55-04 GG 30 0.8135 150-200 120+240 Pure copper, low-allyed W 35-04 GTS-35-10 0.8145 200-250 150+200 4.13 Mied I stopy miedzi copper NIchte Isenwer kstoffe ZS40012 GTS-45-06 0.8155 240-270 S Mied niestopowa i Copper-zinc alloys Aluminium-Legierungen Zs50007 GTS-55-04 0.8035 400+800 165 5.1 czystostopowa (brass, long-chipping) R einalum inium Zs60002 G TW -35-04 0.7040 105 5.2 M osidz (dugi wir) Copper-zinc alloys Zs70002 GGG 40 0.7050 450 120 M osidz (krtki wir) (brass, short-chipping) A lu le g ie ru n g e n GGG 50 0.7060 550 150 5.3 Brz aluminiowy C opper-alum inium alloys 1% < Si < 7% AI 99.99 GGG 60 0.7070 350 180 5.4 (dugi wir) (long-chipping) A00 G G G 70 400 205 A1 3.0305 500 H Brz cynow y (dugi wir) C opper-tin alloys (long- A2 AI 99.99 600 6.1 Brz cynow y (krtki wir) chipping) PA31 AI 99.8A 3.1255 700 6.2 C opper-tin alloys (short- PA43 AI 99.5 3.3315 6.3 Stopy magnezu chipping) PA7 AI 99.0 3.1355 58 15 6.4 Kute Magnesium alloys PA9 AI Cu Si Mn 3.4345 75 19 Syntetyczne M agnesium wrought AI Mg 1 3.2341 58 15 Duroplasty (krtki wir) alloys A lu le g ie ru n g e n AK7 AI Cu Mg 2 3.2371 90 23 Synthetics Si 7% AK11 AI Zn Mg Cu 0,5 3.2381 350 95 Term oplasty (dugi wir) Duroplastics (short- Ak11 G-Al Si 5 Mg 3.2382 100+185 29+48 chipping) Kupfer-Legierungen AK12 G-Al Si 7 Mg 3.2581 360+440 105+125 Tworzywa w zm ocnione Reinkupfer, G-Al Si 10 Mg 490+530 130+140 w kn a m i Therm oplastics (long- niedrig legiertes Kupfer Cu 99, 95 B G D -A IS i 10 Mg 2.0040 140+300 90 Materiay specjalne chipping) Cu 99, 99 B G -Al Si 12 160+210 50+65 Tytan Kupfer-Zink-Legierungen Cu 99,7 G 2 .0 3 2 1 160+280 50+80 Tytan niestopowy Fibre-reinforced (langspanend) M 63 C u -O F 2.0240 220+280 60+80 Stopy tytanu synthetics Ku pfer-Zi n k-Leg ie ru nge n M 85 2 .0 4 0 1 200+220 95 Special materials (kurzspanend) MO 59 Cu Zn 37 2.0402 Superstopy Titanium alloys K up fe r-A lu m in iu m - MO 58 Cu Zn 15 2.0916 250+270 70+75 aroodporne Pure titanium Legierungen BA5 Cu Zn 39 Pb 3 2.0932 250+270 70+75 Nikiel niskostopowy Titanium alloys (langspanend) BA8 Cu Zn 40 Pb 2 2.0940 S topy niklu BA93 Cu AI 5 2.0966 450+500 100+110 Heat resistant super Kupfer-Zinn-Legierungen BA1032 Cu AI 8 2.1050 500+550 100+110 Materiay twarde alloys (angspanend) B10 Cu AI 9 Fe 3 2.1030 Stale o duej Pure nickel Kupfer-Zinn-Legierungen B8 Cu AI 9 Mn 2 2.1090 270 80 w ytrzym aoci, stale Nickel alloys (kurzspanend) CuSn10 2.1170 450 133 hartowane, twarde CuSn8P 2.1176 600 o d le w y Hard materials CuSn7ZnPb 600 High strength steels, CuPb5Sn5 3.5612 600 hardened steels, hard C u P b lO S n castings Magnesium-Legierungen 3.5812 MgAI6Zn M agnesium- MgMn2 0.6025 Knetlegierungen MgAIBZn 0.6030 0.6035 Kunststoffe Bakelit 0.6040 Duroplaste Novopan (kurzspanend) Resopal 3.7064 M oltopren 3.7165 Therm oplaste P olyam id (langspanend Polystyrol 3.712 Polyvinylchlorid Faserverstrkte TI 99 U ltra m id 2.4060 500 150 Kunststoffe Ti 6 AI 4 V GFK 2.4360 890 260 TI 3 AI 2,5 V CFK 2.4816 Spezial we rkstoffe Ti 5 AI 2,5 Sn AFK 2.4668 790 235 Titan-egierungen 2.4610 R e in tita n Ni 9 9 ,6 Ti 4 500 150 T ita n -L e g ie ru n g e n Monel 400 Ti AI 6 V 4 570 170 INCONEL 600 Ti AI 3 V 2, 5 680 200 Warmfesten INCONEL 718 Ti 5 AI 2, 5 Sn 1350 400 Superlegierungen HASTELOYC4 900 265 Reinnickel Ni 99, 2 N ic kellegierungen W eldox1100 Ni Cu 30 Fe Hardox 500 Ni Cr 15 Fe Harte Werkstoffe Armox 600T Ni C M 9 N 6 Mo Hochfeste Stle, HSSE Ni Mo 16 C r 16 Ti gehtete Stle, Hartguss fanar@fanar-tools.ru www.fanar-tools.ru